Friday, September 6, 2013

Sex with the Lights on HOT

It's been a slow summer for me.  Slow summer = not very many experiences, = nothing of interest happening to write home about.  (You know I'm phishing for things to write about if I've resorted to writing stories about cleaning fish! With Illustration! lol!)

With that thought, I'm going to try something new.  
(YEAH for new Experiences!) 

I have a Facebook contest.  
The contest is:
 Name a topic people like to read about, the topic with the most votes will get me to write a blog story about "said" topic.

I've had some REALLY funny requests, but the topic that came up most often is...


Oh Boy!!
(I'm SOOOoo Screwed!) 
Here's the thing, *I* am a Biographical, nonfiction writer.  Sure, I can take the most mundane subject and creatively write it to have depth and snark, but I'm not a fantasy writer.  I cannot sit down and write a fiction novel that has an actual story, with make believe, and people having conversations!

"Make Believe" is not my gig.
I am the type that can write 500 creative words for the word "Penis", and then write a factual description of its function, - but I'm not the type that can sit down and write a creative story about how that Penis went to the grocery store to buy some mushroom soup, and Kleenex for its nose, while having a conversation with a pickle about who has the better form.   
(See the difference?) 

SEX is a broad topic!
Choosing what exactly to write about is tough in itself! (And they don't want it PG!! WOW!)
Do I write about Love? Do I write about Lust? Fantasy? Experiences? Wants? 
Do I write hardcore down and dirty Porn that will make even my own Mother blush!?

And exactly just how detailed do I make this "story"? 

But as an added bit'o FUN, 
I'm going to somehow incorporate each "idea" from the contest that was mentioned.  
Now THAT will make it interesting!  I've had some crazy responses!  Those I will highlight throughout the story so people know where to find them.  

With that, I will put on my creative thinking cap.  Try something new; FICTION!! (or is it???), crack open some wine, and have a fun time with this.  

Hang on tight, it's going to be a steamy ride... 



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