Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Washing Pot

OK, I have a new appreciation for BRAND NEW. I decided to be environmentally savvy this year, and I purchased 200 hundred (Yup, that's Two Hundred Damn Many!) 4" USED Nursery Pots. The plus side to this decision is that I saved TONS of money by buying used, and I get to keep two hundred pots out of a landfill. The downside is that I have to wash and bleach all of the old, used dirt out of them as to not spread disease to my newly born "plantlings".

Sounded like a great idea at the time... Now? Not so much. I breezed through the first 50 pots thinking "this is not so bad". Now I'm at pot 100. Yup, this job sucks. And to top it off I have to find space to put all of these damn pots to DRY. I am starting to feel like a 9 year old cup stacking champion!... Unstack, wash, air dry, re stack.

In between washing, I started transplanting a few of the tomato seedlings this morning. 5 down, 90 to go! (I better buy stock in potting soil for this job) I stopped at 5 because my indoor greenhouse is already packed to the gills with hundreds of seedlings, and my outdoor greenhouse (that I started building last fall) -STILL- isn't complete. All the glass work is done, but I have to finish enclosing it in a couple of spots, and get the wood stove installed. Ideally, I would love to heat it by pellet stove- But I already own a wood stove that's not being used.

My greenhouse is a fair size (16 feet long, 8 feet wide, 8 feet high) and should work out beautifully when done! I did the math to heat it with electricity- it would cost me $33.00 / day! INSANE!!

But you know, they do say that heating a greenhouse is like turning on the furnace in the dead of winter, and opening up all of your doors and windows. It doesn't help my case that my glazing is single pane glass either.

Oh well... Do what you can with what you have is what I always say!

I better stop rambling and get back to washing my pot......

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