Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What the Hell is a "Show Chicken"?

Did you know people have chickens that they keep neat and tidy and "special" just for showing?? Yepper,... and we fall into the category of those people! My older daughter (13yrs old) loves chickens. She has cages and cages of "special" show chickens. She has three chickens that are purebred: A male and a female Black Rose Comb, and one male Buff Catalina. And countless other chosen mixed breeds that she keeps in special confinement just for the summer county fair. These show chickens get bathed, clipped, polished and handled all the time. Whatever happened to just tossing them some seed and letting them eat bugs?! lol.
Wait until I show you a picture of the new chicken house we built for our "normal" chickens- I swear they live better than me! ;)

I am finding that I like chickens less and less. I'm starting to feel they are nothing but pocket book drainers. They eat like it's going out of style, poop on everything, the roosters crow constantly, and you can't eat them if they are running wild (they are WAY too tough). And to top it off, the special show chickens need more electricity than the other farm chickens during the winter. They need heat lamps on their cages to keep their combs & waddles from freezing and falling off. Now she wants to get into chicken breeding... ugh. more chickens.
*sigh* It's amazing what we do for our kids.

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