Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yippeeee!!!! ... Uh oh...

Today I'm going to talk about the "Momma" part of my life-

My youngest, almost 2 year old son has started to really dislike wearing diapers. Every time I turn my back I hear the ever famous "RIP" of the Velcro, only to find him running nude butt around the living room.

So today when he did this I said to him: "Why don't you go into your bedroom and bring out your potty chair and put it in the living room. So when you have to go pee you can pee in the potty. So off he went to his room... While this was going on, I was enjoying a well deserved break from my housewife / motherly duties- watching the DIY Network.

I actually was so engrossed in learning how to plumb a bathroom that I forgot about him for a few minutes. When I came back to mommy reality I could hear him in his bedroom so I decided I better go and check to see what he was up to... I rounded the corner to see him standing in front of his potty saying "wet", "wet". I looked in it and long behold there it was!!! A potty's worth of pee! I was so THRILLED! Sure, he tinkled all OVER the potty, in the potty and sprinkled around the floor too- BUT it was IN the potty!!!

I was so ecstatic! I praised him in the most joyful sickening sounding parent voice "What a Good Boy you are, you went PEE in the POTTY" (I felt like a master praising a well mannered dog).

My entire being was gleaming with parenting pride- I called everyone I knew to share my good news. Heck, I was even tempted to call the husband at work (but decided not to go THAT far! :)

After I washed out his potty I brought it out into the living room. Knowing how much the boy is a water hound, it shouldn't be long before he has to pee again. Roughly half an hour later, he grabbed his (insert word) yelling "pee-pee!, pee-pee!" Over to the potty we both went!

Raising a girl prior to him I was a tad confused on the stand up / sit down policy, so I figured we would try it standing, and I will aim.

There we stood.... and stood.... and stood.... nothing. He closed the lid and said "all done".

2 minutes later he hopped up onto the couch, 5 seconds after that he was steaming like the Alaskan pipeline- ONTO my COUCH!

Of course I didn't scold him, I just thought how DUMB could I have been! lol! Like I didn't *think* that was going to happen??

Oh wait! I get even more stupid... I decided to give him just one more try without his diaper on. 10 minutes later he pee'd all over my kitchen floor while sitting in his high chair- I was impressed, he didn't get any in his lap- He got good range with that one! He could have won the gold medal for distance.

Thank heavens he missed the dog.

Now his diaper is held on with duct tape... :)

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